7 Ways for your Office to be Eco-Friendly
In recent years, there has been rising global concern over the impacts of climate change. Environmentally conscious business owners are seeking ways to make their offices eco-friendly. If you are one of these business owners, here are some of the best ways you can make your office eco-friendly, today.

Install A Green Wall or Green Roof
One of the biggest trends (especially in cities) if retrofitting roofs and walls into green spaces. Not only are these additions a massive help to the environment (more plants = better air) they also help keep your building cool. The plants absorb the brunt of the heat from the sun, and then cast shade onto your building’s surface. Overall, this leads to massive reductions in temperature control costs.
Shop Responsibly
When purchasing items for your office, consider companies who consistently make a positive impact on the environment. Similarly, select products made from more eco-friendly materials like bamboo, cork, or recycled woods. Commonly, these products cost the same or less than their alternatives but have the added benefit of helping the environment.
Indoor Plants make your Office Eco-Friendly
Bringing plants indoors improves employee mood and improves indoor air quality! Plants filter out CO2 in the air, which leads to fresher indoor air for your employees and guests. Some of the best office plants are those which require minimal maintenance and thrive under minimal lighting. Some great options for offices are philodendron, peace lilies, or golden birds’ nest.

Implement a Recycling Program
Recycling is a great way to reduce our reliance on landfills. It is also a very visible way to show employees and guests you are serious about helping the environment. Recycling is also an easy practice to get involved with—sometimes only requiring a call to your waste management service and purchasing a few marked cans for recycling.
Solar Window Film Saves on Energy Bills
Reducing your energy bill is a great way to turn your office into an eco-friendly space. Not only does the reduction on the energy grid lead to reductions in greenhouse gases, it also saves your business money on its energy bills—up to 18% annually to be exact. Get in touch with a local Columbia, MD solar window film company and they can help you determine the optimal window film for your space.
Reduce Single-Use Items
Single-use plastic is bad for the environment. There’s no denying or debating this fact. As a business owner, encourage employees to avoid single-use items by providing washable silverware and plates on-site. As a bonus, get an energy efficient dishwasher as well to make sure plates don’t just pile up in the sink because no one wants to wash theirs.

Incentivize or Encourage Altered Commuting
Whether it’s through remote work one day a week, ridesharing, or riding a bike to work. Reducing the usage of single-occupant vehicles is a great step forward in making your business eco-friendly. Many studies have shown these commuting types also improve overall workplace happiness and job performance. It’s a win-win-win situation!
AP Tinting is a Columbia, MD commercial window tinting company service customers in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Our solar window film solutions help businesses reduce their energy footprint but drastically reducing energy bills while improving the comfort of their space. Give us a call today for a free quote and site consultation!