Case Study – Burt’s Bees Morrisville, NC Shipping Facility

The Quick Read
Burt’s Bees has what they call a “triple bottom line”. Where many businesses have a focus on profits, Burt’s Bees focuses on people, profit, and planet equally. This triple bottom line focus makes solutions for their business problems more complicated. Which brings us to the problems their shipping facility faced: temperature control, building security, and worker privacy.
Individually, each of these problems can be solved using more traditional window treatments, but those solutions are expensive, and environmentally un-sound. For these reasons (and a few more), Burt’s Bees opted for a tinted safety and security window film to make an impact in their shipping facility.
A Little About Burt’s Bees
Burt’s Bees grew out of a roadside honey stand when Burt Shavitz picked up a hitchhiker by the name of Roxanne Quimby in 1984. This chance meeting led to Roxanne using leftover honey from Burt’s honeybees to make candles. Eventually, in 1991, this grew to the creation of the Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm we all know and love. Since then, Burt’s Bees has continued to grow. And at the core of this growth is a commitment to stay true to the simple idea that “what you put on your body should be made from the best nature has to offer”.
In addition to their commitment to product quality, Burt’s Bees is also committed to their “triple bottom line”. Every decision they make must be good for the business, good for the consumer, and good for all. This commitment oftentimes leads to sourcing and working with local vendors like AP Tinting whenever possible. So, when Burt’s Bees needed a solution for the windows in their shipping facility, we were there to help them with an ideal window film solution.
The Problem
Windows are a weak point in a building. No matter how great a builder is, glass is inherently weak and a poor insulator. Not to forget, if privacy is important glass is quite the opposite of private. These three issues: security, temperature control, and privacy, are what lead Burt’s Bees to seek out a solution.
The Solution
When Burt’s Bees came to AP Tinting, we presented them with a couple of options. With window tinting, there will always be multiple solutions as there are multiple darkening levels, film thicknesses, and application additives. For this project, we ultimately selected a safety and security tint film coupled with C-Bond for installation. Here’s more on how this film impacts each of the client’s pain points.
Temperature Control with Window Film
The sun’s infrared rays penetrate untreated windows and heat up the interior. Window films can filter out infrared rays and ultimately lead to reduced heat gain in the summer months and reduced heat loss in the winter. Putting hard numbers to this equation, the specific film applied in this instance reduces the summer solar heat gain by 75% and reduces the winter heat loss by 9%.
Reinforcing Windows with Window Film
With the rise of building break-ins and school shootings, Burt’s Bees decided they wanted to improve the safety of their workplace for their employees. The window film solution selected, coupled with C-Bond window nanotechnology, ensures the highest levels of protection without affecting the aesthetics of the current building.
Improving Worker Privacy using Window Film
Glass does a poor job of offering privacy—after all it is clear. Burt’s Bees wanted a more privacy for their staff to improve comfort and safety. The window film selected reduces visibility through the window, while also allowing in natural light. Putting numbers to the installation, this specific film offers 16% visible light transmission—which means the amount of light passing through the film was brought down to only 16%!
Wrapping Up
The solutions installed at Burt’s Bees provided their facility with improvements to their triple bottom line. Not only did the solutions reduce the cost of heating or cooling their facility, they also improved worker safety and comfort. These improvements in the workplace environment commonly lead to better productivity from employees which, in the end, means increased profits. Lastly, the films installed are much more environmentally-sound product than blinds, curtains, and metal security bars.
Interested in hearing more about window film and how it could help your business? Get in touch with AP Tinting today!
AP Tinting is the nation’s leading installer of window film solutions for businesses, homes, and vehicles. Our technicians are trained and certified through the industry’s largest and most prestigious brands. For more information on how we can solve your window problems, give us a call today or fill out the form below!